News and Updates (archives)
- 1/25/16 - Some great #XFiles commentary on Twitter tonight, but I think it's worth noting this nice write-up by The Daily Beast regarding the reboot. I will be posting weekly reviews, hopefully starting Tuesday or Wednesday.
- 3/25/15 -'s been five years since I've updated anything here. It's all good, though, because...The X-Files is coming back this summer!!!
- 10/24/10 - I've finally decided to give this site its much needed makeover. I don't trust there will be too many news-worthy updates coming in the next year or so, but I will eventually make all parts of the site match and plan to at least search for some X-Filesesque news going forward. I've also decided that I won't be supporting Internet Explorer 6 any longer, so if this images have white edges and the spacing is off balanced, get a better browser: Firefox, Chrome, Opera or even Safari.
- 1/20/10 - Future of updates: Since I went more than a year without updating the site, I thought it worthwhile to include some kind of explanation/excuse. First, there really is not a lot of TXF news going on lately. Secondly, I have been just too darn busy. In 2010, I am trying not to neglect my site so much, so some of my plans include giving this site a much needed redesign and some general housekeeping. I will definitely be making more of an effort in 2010, but the X-Files-related stories are becoming harder and harder to find...
- 1/20/10 - Twitter bans Mulder's password on their banned password list.
- 12/20/08 - Mr. Duchovny says he would like to do more The X-Files films.
- 11/23/08 - Mark your calendars! X-Files: I Want To Believe is out on DVD and Blu-Ray on December 2nd! DVD Talk does a review here and it can be pre-ordered on Amazon here.